Friday, October 13, 2017

Transitioning to Laomagination

As some of you may have noticed, over the last few weeks we've been slowly doing the rollout for Laomagination over at or On The Other Side Of The Eye will continue to be active but we'll slowly be putting the more important and useful posts over at Laomagination. After the 12th anniversary of On The Other Side Of The Eye, I anticipate this site will be largely maintained as an archive rather than actively updated. Thank you for your support!

Recent book citations

Some books recently came to my attention where I'm apparently cited for one reason or another. Sharing them here so that I have a reasonably accurate note on what they were.

Dictionary of Midwestern Literature - Volume 2, Dimensions of the Midwestern Literary Imagination. 2016.

Asian America: A Primary Source Reader, featured my poems "E Pluribus Unum," and "Golden Triangle Holy Mountain," in 2016.

Cited in The Best Horror of the Year Series, Book 6, 2014 and in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: 21st Annual Collection

The Great American Mosaic: An Exploration of Diversity in Primary Documents [4 volumes] in Sept. 30, 2014 by Gary Okihiro and Lionel Bascom.

Asian American Culture: From Anime to Tiger Moms, 2016.

My thanks to everyone who took the time to read my work and engage with it. I look forward to writing more for you all in the future. In the meantime, study hard, and keep imaginative!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

In remembering Vietnam War, more stories of Lao refugees deserve to be told

My perspective on the Ken Burns documentary, "The Vietnam War," and what it means for Lao, Hmong, Cambodians and others, was recently posted over at WHYY in Philadelphia! Catzie Vilayphonh's story will be coming up soon, as well. I appreciate everyone who's given us all some great feedback on this subject. I've put some expanded remarks over at Laomagination, and some additional resources for anyone who's curious about the issue.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

2017 Speculative Poetry News Recap

As you can imagine, when you have so much going on in the world of speculative poetry, it can be a little hard to keep track of everyone's news after a while. We're now in October, so it seems like a good month to do a recap of all of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association member news as people reported to Michael H. Payne, who has my fullest and sincere appreciation for what is such a tremendous task, given how many of us are spread out over 19+ countries.

In addition to our files on Google Docs, we're also keeping them up at our blog SPECPO, and we appreciate pingbacks and linking to those posts because it helps get all of your wonderful accomplishments further attention from the various search engines, and as the saying goes: We all do better when we all do better. If there are any corrections you'd like made, as always, let us know and we'll get that addressed promptly.






June and July:



And in case you missed it:
2017 Elgin Award Winners

2017 Speculative Poetry Contest Winners

2017 Dwarf Star Award Winners

2017 Rhysling Award Winners

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association was established in 1978 by Suzette Haden-Elgin and has an international membership representing over 19 nations and cultures including United States, Italy, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, Romania, Poland, Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Israel, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, the Hmong, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association publishes two journals: Star*Line and Eye to the Telescope. It oversees three major literary awards for poetry: The Rhyslings, the Dwarf Stars, and the Elgin Awards. We also conduct an annual science fiction poetry contest and other special events and gatherings. Further, we also provide resources for emerging and established poets seeking professional publication and networking opportunities.