The December 2nd issue of the Sacramento Bee has a tragic story about the failure of police to provide adequate support for a Hmong family seeking help to find their missing son, Keng Yang.
According to the article, "A boy lost, a rift bared for Hmong, authorities" By Crystal Carreon:
"Everybody feels that the sheriff really didn't use the effort to get the boy," said Paul Moua, president of the Hmong American Association, a nonprofit group that serves Sutter and Yuba counties. "That's how we feel -- that we were not being treated equally."
Sutter County Undersheriff J. Paul Parker said resources and risk -- not race -- were the reasons authorities abandoned the search of the bypass hours after the boy disappeared amid gunfire on Nov. 22. That evening, the current was fast and some depths dropped to 20 feet...
But really, you should check out the rest of the article and see for yourself. It's an important read.
Hi, this is very off tangent but I don't know who to contact, and since I ran across your page in my search, I hope you can help me out. I'm wondering what happened to HAIL, or in particular, Paj Ntaub Voice, and whether the newest issue has come out yet. Last I heard, MNM had stepped down and the issue was slated to be released in September. However, I haven't heard anything. I do live in Wisconsin so news travels pretty slow here. Do you know anything about it? Sorry to bother you, but any info you have would be appreciated. Thanks.