Worth checking out. The deadline has been extended to next week, so if you can, I strongly encourage you to send in a few pieces.
Southeast Asia has been a region long divided not only by geographical and cultural boundaries but by the question of identity and belonging. One anthology will attempt to present the shades of contemporary Southeast Asian experiences of cultural/sexual identity, globalization, immigrant/expatriate experience, third culture phenomena, and new technologies, among others.
The call for submissions is open to Southeast Asian writers and translators under 40 years old.
The anthology will focus on works dealing with contemporary themes, or employing new forms in poetry; prose (fiction, travelogues, essays, blogs, text, etc); drama (one-act plays, short screen/teleplays); graphic arts and comics (under 30 pages long); and everything in between—literary experiments as well as genre works (horror, sci-fi, fantasy, etc, or combinations thereof).
Works must be limited to 8,000 words and must be in English (translations must be accompanied by the original text).
Previously published works are also welcome.
Please send submissions to sealitbook@gmail.com, as attachments in MS Word document format.
Deadline for manuscripts is November 8, 2007. Please include a short bionote and contact information. Contributors will get multiple copies of the book.
The anthology editors are Jerome Kugan (Malaysia) and Mervin Espina (Philippines)
Well, it's just too bad that I am passed the age limit by just a few years. Seriously, Bryan, I want to thank you for your kind comments about Fresno writers in a previous post. I've some new poems on my site that I would like to share. Congratulations, by the way, on you new book. Soul