My copy of
Papertiger: New World Poetry just arrived, and it's really fun. You have to search a little to find my poem
To A Chinese Horse Behind Minneapolis Glass, but it's there, and it feels great to be part of an innvoative project like this. Papertiger is produced with support from the Queensland government in Australia. I have to admit, it's really fun to reach a truly international readership and I look forward to seeing more from them.
Other great books, magazines and journals my work appeared in during 2006 include:

Hyphen Magazine, who featured my poems Whorl and Imperious. A special thanks to Barbara Jane Reyes in particular for selecting my work.

Bakka Magazine who featured Boun, Jaew, and The National Library In Laos in their premiere issue. Thanks to editor and publisher Tutu Phimviengkham and her talented staff at one of the newest Laotian literary magazines in the world.

Outsiders Within, who featured my poem Evolve. Thanks to Jane Jeong Trenka, Sun Yung Shin and Julia Chinyere Oparah.

Tales of the Unanticipated ran my poems Soap, An Archaeology of Snow Forts and Homonculus, as well as my short story The Dog At The Camp. Thanks to Eric M. Heideman and Rebecca Marjesdatter.

Dark Wisdom has printed two non-fiction pieces of mine about the Plain of Jars in Laos and the Spirit City of Xieng Khuan. Thanks go to the cryptic forces that be over at those shadowed offices.

G-Fan magazine printed a massive 8-poem collection of mine, The Kaiju and I, in their 75th issue: Song of the Kaiju, Biollante, Kaiju Haiku, Mothra, Destroy All Monsters, Why Did Rodan Travel To The West?, Ghidrah, and Gojira Walking.
A very special nod goes to editor J.D. Lees, who personally hand-typed all of them into the issue. Thanks, J.D.!

Whistling Shade, always a great Minnesota journal, ran my poem A Question of Place. Thanks go to Joel Van Valin for keeping at it year after year!

Tripmaster Monkey printed tons of my stuff, from the history of Asians in Science Fiction and James Bond Movies to a survey of monsters from Asia and more! Thanks, Mai, Matt & the rest of our mad monkey colleagues!

Asian American Press also printed numerous articles of mine as well, and deserve a thanks for their continuous support throughout the years! Thanks to Tom LaVenture and Ngui Huynh for putting Asian American Press out week in, week out.
Poetry Midwest printed my piece The Daughters of Barrabas . Thanks and a tip of the hat to editor Matthew W. Schmeer.

The humor journal Defenestration, always a guilty favorite of mine, printed my piece Cobra. Thanks as always to Andrew Kaye and the Elm Tree.

The FHF Calendar also included an excerpt of mine from five fragments entiteld Reconstruction In Minnesota. It also features art by the amazing Laotian American artist Malichansouk Kouanchao.
You can of course also find examples of my speculative poetry in the special e-book collection, Monstro, produced for Diversicon 13.
Numerous examples of my experimental work also appeared over at Northography at http://www.northography.com and of course, I've also uploaded performances of several poems of mine over at Youtube.
Earlier in the year, op-eds of mine appeared in the Pioneer Press, Hmong Today, Asian American Press and even the Daily Telegram in Michigan's Lenawee county. (Which was curiously picked up in excerpt by Epoch Times, a Chinese American newspaper. Thanks!
And we can't forget Ed Lin for putting on the microfestival
Sex and No Sex which saw the New York one-night only debut of my adults-only play
Black Box. As always, check out his novel
Waylaid, if you get a chance. He needs the massive royalties, you know.
A special thanks goes out to The Loft Literary Center, The Hmong American Writer's Circle,The University of Minnesota Institute For Advanced Study, Kate Kysar and the Anoka Ramsey Community College, the Camden Coffee Company, The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and HaSEACC, Gustavus Adolphus College, Dreamhaven Books, MAASU as well as CONvergence, Arcana: A Convention of the Dark Fantastic and Diversicon for bringing me in to read throughout various points of the year. It's greatly appreciated and I look forward to the next time!
I'll definitely call 2006 a good year. And thanks again to all of my friends, family and editors who helped make this possible. And to my nefarious enemies who tried to stop me, bwa ha ha ha ha. Just kidding. ;)