For those of you in my network who are happily married, in love, or making love (and if so, why are you reading this post now), good for you, and I wish you all the very happiest of Valentine's Days, and a reasonably cheap bill for all the flowers, cards, chocolate or whatever nights out on the town that you take.
For those of you who do not fall into the above category, or who do fall into the above category but just hate celebrating Valentine's anyway, this post is for you as we offer you some other alternatives:
You can always celebrate the anniversary of:
1929: The St Valentines Day Massacre, in Chicago, between rival gansters.
1950: USSR and China sign peace treaty. Imagine how nasty that fight would have been.
1963: First successful kidney transplant. Millions of people are alive today because of it and all of the related scientific advances it paved the way for.
February 14th is also the birthday for the following people:
1766: Thomas Malthus, British philosopher. His misanthropic philosophy is a hoot, if you can make your way through the dated language.
1817: Frederick Douglass, African-American abolitionist.
1819: Christopher Sholes, American inventor of the typewriter. Where would we be without it?

On the other hand, if none of these strike your fancy, I hereby endorse the celebration of Thao Worra Day.
Much as in the spirit of Festivus, the festival for the rest of us, you too may engage in the following activities to mark Thao Worra Day in good spirits and much amusement:
- Send a nice note to someone you have just met or haven't talked to in a while.
- Declare yourself Emperor of the World (or Empress) and see if anyone notices. But you have to give back everyone's stuff by the end of the day. Or before the cops come.
- Treat yourself to a nice meal with someone you genuinely like, but in a completely non-romantic way. I totally approve.
- Make sure all your electronic equipment is fully recharged, that it may go well for you.
- Read a short poem out loud, even if no one is looking. No, it doesn't have to be one of mine.
- Leave a chair for me at your desk or table. For I may come by. But don't hold it against me if I don't. I do have a busy schedule, you know.
And yea, though Thao Worra Day is not for everyone, it is free for all to choose and participate in.
And if you do so choose to mark it, let me know how it goes.
Have a great one!
why choose? how about both?
yes, i will honor both days with a smile and open heart.
feliz cumpleaño!
Both sounds good to me, too. Woot! Post-Valentine's day chocolate sales!
Where can I get one of those shirts?!
They're hard to find since the band seems to have broken up- but it's a Tsunami Bomb shirt. Skull variation. :) I think a couple can be found here:
So, hey, whatcha doing for New Year's this Sunday? Want to head on over to the smashingly-renovated/redecorated Peking Garden in the afternoon?
thank you bryan.
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