It's official- my new book, BARROW, coming out from Sam's Dot Publishing in the next few weeks will feature the cover by Laotian American artist Vongduane Manivong.
Also, a big congratulations to her on her upcoming marriage next week!.
You can see more of her work at www.vongduane.com
BARROW will also feature a very nice foreword by award-winning novelist Dr. Nnedi Okorafor, the author of Zahrah the Windseeker, the Shadow Speaker and the forthcoming Who Fears Death. You can visit her work at www.nnedi.com
As a collection, BARROW features poems from as early as 1992 but the good majority of them were written between 2001 to 2009.
Twenty of these poems previously appeared in journals such as the Paj Ntaub Voice, Whistling Shade, Unarmed, the Journal of the Asian American Renaissance Northography and Tales of the Unanticipated, but the remainder have never been published before.
As before, BARROW will feature a fun, eclectic mix of international history, mythology and science fiction as we play with language to examine the deeper inner and outer world.
BARROW will also feature a very nice foreword by award-winning novelist Dr. Nnedi Okorafor, the author of Zahrah the Windseeker, the Shadow Speaker and the forthcoming Who Fears Death. You can visit her work at www.nnedi.com
As a collection, BARROW features poems from as early as 1992 but the good majority of them were written between 2001 to 2009.
Twenty of these poems previously appeared in journals such as the Paj Ntaub Voice, Whistling Shade, Unarmed, the Journal of the Asian American Renaissance Northography and Tales of the Unanticipated, but the remainder have never been published before.
As before, BARROW will feature a fun, eclectic mix of international history, mythology and science fiction as we play with language to examine the deeper inner and outer world.
BARROW will be even more experimental in some ways than On The Other Side Of The Eye, but I think most readers will agree the results are worth it.
I'm looking forward to sharing more with you in the coming weeks ahead as we get closer to the final release!
I'm looking forward to sharing more with you in the coming weeks ahead as we get closer to the final release!
Congratulations, Bryan. Great cover. Look forward to the content.
Again, congratulations!!! Keep up the good work Bry. Love noy
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