Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A Glimpse Of Futures Yet To Come

Peeking under the hood for a moment here, as I prepare for the release of my next book, BARROW, I am also working on several other texts for a number of different audiences.

As a speculative poet, one of my next projects I hope to complete includes Launching Life, which will be a book of speculative poetry about the Laotian space program in the distant future, just hours before the launch of the first manned flight into space. This will be a shorter work, but I'm very excited about the initial pieces that belong to it.  I still need to work out a passa Lao name for the book, but we'll see.

Next year, I'll also be releasing a book of speculative haikus or scifaikus, which also serve as a commentary on the great science fiction films of the 20th and 21st century from a Laotian American perspective. 

I'll also be continuing work on When Dreams Loved Memory, a more conventional text that may or may not dovetail into my larger series, Tales From The Lao Ocean.  

And I promise, soon, my short story collection of Southeast Asian American horror stories, The Lingering Bone, will also start looking for a publisher.

Khop jai lai lai to everyone who's been so supportive in the meantime! :)

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