There are tons out there, but some to keep an eye out for:
UC Berkeley's Southeast Asian Student Coalition is creating a grassroots anthology of Southeast Asian American writing. Deadline: April 30th, 2008. For more information: sea.anthology@gmail.com
Asian Pacific Writer Network:
Theme: Lies/Truth.
Deadline 15 July 2008
You are invited to send writing or art appropriate to the theme Lies/Truth for possible inclusion in the August 2008 edition for the Asia and Pacific Writers Network www.apwn.net. This edition will be edited by the Hong Kong-based writer Tammy Ho Lai-ming.
APWN accepts previously published work and will acknowledge first publication. They will consider poetry, fiction, non-fiction, diary excerpts, comics, photo-texts, photos and visual art. Please send between 1 to 3 pieces of writing or art, either in the body of the email [preferred] or in any of the following formats: .doc, .txt, .rtf and .pdf. If you would like to include images, please send JPEGS, 300 x 400 pixels, at 72 dpi. Please send your submissions to info@apwn.net.
Hmong and Lao Magazines
www.bakkamagazine.com Accepting fiction/non-fiction short stories, poetry, essays and op-eds, photography, visual art submissions, letters to the editor. Bakka Magazine is a monthly magazine for anyone with a connection to Laos.
www.myspace.com/laoroots or www.laoroots.com Lao Roots is interested in work from freelance contributing writers.
www.jsaaea.org The Journal of Southeast Asian Education and Advancement is taking both non-fiction and creative, literary writing. It is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal addressing research interests surrounding the education and community development of Southeast Asian Americans.
www.eyedmagazine.com Eye.D Magazine is an online publication dedicated to celebrating the diverse experiences of Asian-Americans by educating and entertaining its readers through thoughtful dialogue, captivating articles and resourceful information. Eye.D's goal is to be a voice for the Asian community as their identity evolves in America.
www.myspace.com/writersblocksection They're currently accepting submissions for Unplug, a bi-monthly Hmong magazine.
www.myspace.com/18xeem 18xeem is a Hmong magazine looking for writers, artists and other contributors. It's presently produced bimonthly.
www.myspace.com/hmongpassion Hmong Passion Magazine is looking for contributors. They have a strong youth and education focus. It's scheduled to be published quarterly (every 3 months).
www.myspace.com/hmongisu Hmong Is You magazine is a biyearly magazine printed in May and November with a youth focus.
Asian American Magazines
The following Asian American magazines and websites could also always use new writers and contributors:
www.myspace.com/hyphenmagazine Still active, Hyphen Magazine is always looking to give opportunities to freelancers, writers and artists.
www.tripmastermonkey.com is a daily news / culture site with a strong, humorous Asian American editorial bend. (But you don't have to necessarily be Asian American to write for them).
www.13minutesmag.com 13 Minutes target audience consists of females, ages 24 to 45. Their focus is to provide bicultural Asian American women with a forum in which issues that are familiar with them can be addressed and explored.
www.asiancha.com CHA: An Asian Literary Journal is the first Hong Kong-based online literary quarterly journal dedicated to publishing quality poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, reviews, photography & art from and about Asia.
www.thememagazine.com Theme Magazine is a quarterly publication that covers global avant-garde Asian culture for an increasingly international readership.
www.myspace.com/altrazine or www.altrazine.com Altra is still going. A quarterly lifestyle magazine that celebrates Asian and Asian American excellence. ALTRA highlights achievements by cosmopolitan, English speaking Asians and Asian Americans, and also informs the public on the diverse trends and issues affecting individuals of Asian descent.
www.colorlines.com Colorlines is a more serious bimonthly magazine, and is billed as the leading national, multi-racial magazine devoted to the creativity and complexity of communities of color. ColorLines features the best writing on the issues that affect these communities.
www.jademagazine.com Jade Magazine endeavors to be THE reference for professional Asian and Asian American women in their 20's and 30's.
www.audreymagazine.com Audrey Magazine is still around. A bimonthly English-language magazine highlighting the stories that interest Asian American women nationwide.
www.eastwestmagazine.com East West, is an Asian American lifestyle magazine covering fashion, politics, food, career, beauty, celebrities and more.
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