Saturday, August 26, 2006

Looking for the following Lao writers

If anyone happens to know the status or whereabouts of the following writers, I'd really like to hear about them:

-Dara Viravongs
-Pakian Viravongs
-Douangdeuane Viravongs also known as Dok Ked
-Seree Nilamay
-Phoumi Vongvichit
-Souvanthone Bouphanouvong
-Chanthy Deuansavanh
-Khamlieng Phonsena
-Theap Vongpakay
-Dr Thongkham Onemanisone
-Bounthanong Somsaiphon
-Phieu Lavanh
-Bounseun Songmany
-Damdouane Pomdouangsi
-Othong Khaminsou
-Sengphouxay Inthavikham
-Houmphanh Rattanavong
-Maha Boun Nhok
-Pho Phuangsaba
-Somsy Desakhamphou
-Othong Khaminsou (Houngaloune Denvilay)
-Samlid Buasisawa


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