I don't write in a vacuum.
One of the best parts of being a Lao American writer comes from some great interaction with other writers and artists across the country, especially a network of Lao and Lao American bloggers who frequently give me some really great things to consider.
This week, I'm highlighting a few of those colleagues running around on the blogosphere:
Little Laos On The Prairie: http://littlelaosontheprairie.wordpress.com is a fairly new blog but it's already showing promise as a voice for over 20,000 Lao Minnesotans. Once in a while I do a guest post over there, particularly a Lao American Haiku of the Week.
Lao Cook: http://laocook.com A blog by Lao-Spaniard Viengphranom Senathit featuring some amazing recipes and a great perspective on the Lao experience in other countries.
One of the Fulbright Fantastic Four Laos-ETAs: http://fulbrightetalaos.blogspot.com a blog by a Fulbright scholar's experiences in Laos as an ETA, including some recent poetry that emerged from their experience.
I Eat Padek: http://eatpadek.blogspot.com a fairly topical blog with regular updates and some good commentary and questions. One to watch.

Refugenius: http://refugenius.blogspot.com is the blog of Lao American spoken word artist Saymoukda Vongsay, although it's been a little while since she's updated her blog.
Chantalism: http://chantalism.wordpress.com the blog of Chantala Kommanivanh, a Midwest-based Lao American artist and writer.
50% Falang: http://austinoh.wordpress.com Austin Outhavong's blog. The author of 50% Falang, currently based in Tennessee.
Crinkly: http://lovestrykar.tumblr.com/ by Khonnie L. is a quirky tumblr based in Sacramento.
Yellow Rage: http://www.yellowrage.com is the blog for Catzie Vilayphonh and Michelle Meyers of the spoken word duo, Yellow Rage.
Refugee Nation: http://refugeenation.blogspot.com/ It hasn't been updated in a while, but it is the official home for the Refugee Nation play presented by Ova Saopeng, Leilani Chan and Lidet Viravong.

Photo from Village Science
Than Toot Karen: http://usambassadortolaos.tumblr.com/ is a great blog by the US Ambassador to Laos that is highlighting some great and interesting projects going on out there.
But who are some of the other Lao bloggers you enjoy following?
1 comment:
lil girl's photo is sooo cute. :)
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