For Lao American writers seeking places to submit science fiction, fantasy, horror and other stories, reviews and poems to, consider some of the following magazines. Some pay, some do not. Naturally, of those who do pay, some pay well, and others barely provide enough for a cup of cyber-coffee and bus ride home.
But all of the ones listed below are still currently or will be accepting writing in the future. Some may be more receptive to stories that have overtly Lao or Southeast Asian American elements to them, but this is the sort of thing one finds out only by applying.
Remember, do your research and read a few issues ahead of time to get a feeling for whether or not your work would be a good fit with them. Don't send science fiction splatterpunk short stories to a journal that only accepts fantasy poetry, for example.
As always, caveat scriptor. Most have been vetted for reliability and good terms regarding their publishing rights and professionalism, but one should do their research on other writers experiences with them when you can. Most of these journals should provide interesting opportunities and good homes for many of your works.
Good luck!
- 365 Tomorrows http://www.365tomorrows.com/
- Albedo http://www.albedo1.com/index.html
- Allegory http://www.allegoryezine.com/
- Analog http://analogsf.com/0611/issue_11.shtml
- Andromeda Spaceways http://www.andromedaspaceways.com/
- AntipodeanSF http://www.antisf.com/
- Aoife's Kiss http://samsdotpublishing.com/aoife/main.htm
- Apex http://apex-magazine.com
- Aphelion http://www.aphelion-webzine.com/
- Asimovs http://www.asimovs.com/
- Aurealis http://aurealis.com.au/
- Bewildering Stories http://www.bewilderingstories.com/
- Big Pulp http://www.bigpulp.com/
- Brain Harvest http://www.brainharvestmag.com/
- Chizine http://chizine.com/
- Digital Dragon Magazine http://www.digitaldragonmagazine.com /
- Electriic Velocipede http://www.spacewesterns.com/
- Emg-Zine http://emg-zine.com/
- Everyday Weirdness http://everydayweirdness.com/
- Expanded Horizons http://www.expandedhorizons.net
- Fabulist http://www.the-fabulist.org/yarns/
- Fantasy and Science Fiction http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/
- FlashShot http://www.gwthomas.org/flashshotindex.htm
- Future Fire http://www.futurefire.net/
- Goblin Fruit http://www.goblinfruit.net
- Grantville Gazette http://www.grantvillegazette.com/
- Ideomacer http://www.ideomancer.com/
- Indian Science Fiction & Fantasy http://www.indianscifi.com/
- Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com
- Jupiter Science Fiction http://www.jupitersf.co.uk/
- Kaleidotrope http://www.kaleidotrope.net/
- Kissed by Venus http://kissedbyvenus.ca/
- Leading Edge Magazine http://www.leadingedgemagazine.com/
- Lightspeed Magazine http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com
- Locus Magazine http://www.locusmag.com/
- Luna Cat http://www.lunacat.net/
- M-Brand SF http://mbranesf2.blogspot.com/
- Morpheus Tales http://www.morpheustales.com/
- Neo-Opsis http://www.neo-opsis.ca/
- New Bedlam http://www.newbedlam.com/
- On Spec http://www.onspec.ca/
- Pigasus http://www.pigasuspress.co.uk/
- Polu Texni http://www.polutexni.com/
- Polyphony http://wheatlandpress.com/polyphony/index.html
- Presto Strange-O http://prestostrangeo.wordpress.com/
- Quantum Muse http://www.quantummuse.com/
- Raven Electrick http://www.ravenelectrick.com/
- Raygun Revival http://www.raygunrevival.com/
- Reflections Edge http://www.reflectionsedge.com /
- Residential Aliens http://residentialaliens.blogspot.com/
- Revolution Science Fiction http://revolutionsf.com/
- Scifi Space http://www.scifispace.com/
- SF Reviews http://www.sfreviews.net/
- SFrevu http://www.sfrevu.com/
- SF Worlds http://www.sf-worlds.com/
- Shimmer http://www.shimmerzine.com/
- Silver Thought http://www.silverthought.com/
- Some Fantastic http://www.somefantastic.us/
- Space and Time http://spaceandtimemagazine.com/wp/
- Space Squid http://www.spacesquid.com/
- Starburst http://www.visimag.com/starburst/
- Strange Horizons http://www.strangehorizons.com/
- Surprising Stories http://surprisingstories.dcwi.com
- Tales of the Unanticipated http://www.totu-ink.com
- Tangent Online http://www.tangentonline.com/
- Ticonderoga http://ticonderogaonline.org/
- Tiny Globule http://www.thetinyglobule.net
- Titles Goes Here http://www.title-goes-here.com/
- TTA http://www.ttapress.com/
- Vestal Review http://www.vestalreview.net/
- Zone http://www.zone-sf.com/
If you have additional journals to suggest, please let us know!
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