Saturday, March 17, 2012

[Lao Steampunk] Call for Submissions: Asian Steampunk Manuscripts (For Middle Grade and Young Adult Readers)

TU BOOKS, an imprint of LEE & LOW BOOKS, publishes speculative fiction for children and young adults featuring diverse characters and settings. Their focus is on well-told, exciting, adventurous fantasy, science fiction, and mystery novels featuring people of color set in worlds inspired by non-Western folklore or culture. They are looking specifically for stories for both middle grade (ages 8-12) and young adult (ages 12-18) readers.

Manuscripts should be typed doubled-spaced. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a brief biography of the author, including publishing history. The letter should also state if the manuscript is a simultaneous or an exclusive submission. Please include a synopsis and first three chapters of the novel. Do not send the complete manuscript.

Be sure to include full contact information on the cover letter and first page of the manuscript. Page numbers and your last name/title of the book should appear on subsequent pages. Only submissions sent through regular post will be considered. They cannot accept submissions through email or fax. They will respond to a submission only if interested in the manuscript. They are not able to return manuscripts or give a personal response to each submission, so please do not include a self-addressed stamped envelope or a delivery confirmation postcard, or call or email about the status of your submission.

If you do not hear within six months, you may assume that your work does not fit their needs.

Submissions Editor, Tu Books, 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 1205, New York, NY 10016. If you require confirmation of delivery, please send the submission with a U.S. Postal Service Return Receipt.

 For submissions: Submissions Editor, Tu Books, 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 1205, New York, NY 10016


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