If you're looking for something to do on a Sunday afternoon, come to Pepito’s Parkway Theatre for music, dancing and food at the Community Fest on June 27th. The event will also host book signings and a silent auction. 100% of proceeds goes towards Manophet’s family, students and soccer team. The event runs 2-5 p.m at 4814 Chicago Ave. So., Minneapolis. Admission is $5/Adult and Children under 12 are Free.
Anyone who is unable to attend but would still like to provide a donation can make a check payable to the “Manophet Memorial Trust”, which will provide basic food, housing, clothing, education for Manophet's sons or payable to the "English Development School” to help keeps Manophet's educational and recreation programs open for students & soccer players. Mail contributions to: Lynn Tchida, Event Chair, P.O. Box 17288, Minneapolis, MN 55417. For more information, contact Lynn at 763-245-0376 or by email at lynn.tchida@gmail.com.
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