On Saturday, February 11th, 2012 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, the ongoing "Doing Literature" discussion group will meet at the Hemet Public Library at 300 East Latham Avenue in Hemet, California.
This month's book is Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, specifically "The Wife of Bath's Tale," although readers are invited to discuss any of Chaucer's classic stories during the discussion. On March 10th, the group will be discussing A Man For All Seasons, a play by Richard Bolt on the life of Sir Thomas More. The discussion group is free to attend.
"The Wife of Bath's Tale" is among the best-known of the Canterbury Tales, and is typically remarked upon for the how well-developed the character is compared to many of the others in the book. This particular tale is important for the insight it is believed to give about women's roles of the the Late Middle Ages.
The story centers on a knight who has been condemned to death for a heinous crime, but who will get a reprieve if he can answer the Queen's riddle, 'What is the thing that most women desire.' He is given a year to find the answer, but everyone he asks gives him a conflicting answer, until an old woman offers to supply him the correct answer, in exchange for a payment later. And as so many of these stories go, there's a bit of a catch to that...
Join us, if you can!
I am looking to join a literary discussion group in Hemet. I was so excited about this one I just read, until I noticed that it dated back to 2012.
I am looking to join a literary discussion group in Hemet. I was so excited about this one I just read until I noticed that it dated back to 2012.
Alas it disbanded around 2015
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