Here are some recent calls for submissions of note:
Crashtest, the new online literary magazine for high school writers, would like to hear from you! Crashtest publishes poetry, stories and creative non-fiction in the form of personal essays, imaginative investigation, experimental interviews, or whatever else you would like to call it from high school students between grades 9 to 12. They’re looking for writing that has both a perspective and a personality. They’re looking for authors who have something to say. Check them out at www.crashtestmag.com. Crashtest only accepts email submissions. Send submissions, .doc or .rtf attachment only, and any queries to editor@crashtestmag.com.
The Monarch Review is accepting submissions year-round via their Web site www.themonarchreview.org. They publish a variety of poetry, fiction, essays, music and visual art 3-5 times per week. They also release a print edition every six months they call Monarch. Submitting is free. The Monarch Review is a magazine created in the spirit of the Monarch Apartments: a Seattle home to generations of poets, writers, musicians, visual artists, pranksters, cranks and the curious. The publication aims to sustain the Monarch’s vibrant, vagabond culture by creating a forum for emerging and established artists and thinkers.
Rufous Salon is a literary salon/journal situated in Uppsala, Sweden. They welcome submissions on a rolling schedule and consider flash fiction and poetry. See www.rufoussalon.net/#!submissions for submission guidelines. L'art pour l'art! www.rufoussalon.net
Wordrunner eChapbooks. Online submission deadline: February 21, 2012 Wordrunner eChapbooks publishes four online collections annually of fiction, poetry or memoir, each featuring one author, and the occasional anthology. Submissions are open for the mid-March 2012 fiction e-chapbook (short stories or novel excerpt) from January 1 through February 21, 2012. At least 1/4 of the collection should be previously unpublished. No fee to submit. Payment: $65. Detailed guidelines are posted at www.echapbook.com/submissions.htm.
Passages North is looking for Hybrid Essays and Spoken-Word Poetry. In addition to standard (whatever that means) submissions in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, send them your hybrid essays—your orphans, your bastards, your bumpings, and your grindings, whether whimsical, grave, or neither. They're also looking for video and audio poems for our website that shock us, that grab us by our shirt collars, that take us on a ride and leave us somewhere we've never been before. They want that dirty secret, that gasp for air, that pulse of you that can't just be written down. Submit here: passagesnorth.submishmash.com/submit.
StepAway Magazine. Online submission deadline: March 14, 2012 StepAway Magazine is holding its 5th call for submissions. Their magazine is hungry for literature that evokes the sensory experience of walking in specific neighborhoods, districts or zones within a city. They accept poetry and prose under 1000 words. This is flânerie for the twenty-first century. Please submit your work and a press-ready biography to: submissions@stepawaymagazine.com
Buddhist Poetry Review. Online submission deadline: February 29, 2012 Buddhist Poetry Review is a quarterly online magazine dedicated to publishing fresh and insightful Buddhist poetry. BPR is accepting submissions for Issue Four through February 29th, 2012. Please visit their site for submission guidelines: www.buddhistpoetryreview.com/submit
The First Line. Postmark/Online deadline: February 1, 2012 Submissions for the Spring 2012 issue are due Feb 1. The first Line: “There are a few things you need to know before we start.” (quotes required) www.thefirstline.com/submission.htm
Gemini Magazine has no rules. Send your very best fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction or anything else you think might capture their interest. They read work year-round: www.gemini-magazine.com
Fried Chicken and Coffee is now considering and desperately needs: poems, non-fiction and fiction on topics related to Appalachian or rural concerns. They are also considering poetry chapbooks for 2012 (to be published in 2013).
Hippocampus Magazine. Online submission deadline: Ongoing. Looking for true stories: Hippocampus Magazine, an exclusively online publication dedicated to creative nonfiction is seeking essay and memoir excerpt submissions of up to 3,500 words. Submission guidelines available online at www.hippocampusmagazine.com.
Ashland Creek Press is currently accepting submissions of novels, memoirs, short story collections, and essay collections on the themes of travel, the environment, ecology, and wildlife — above all, we’re looking for exceptional, well-written, engaging stories. We are open to many genres (young adult, mystery, literary fiction) as long as the stories are relevant to the themes listed above. Please visit our website for complete guidelines: www.ashlandcreekpress.com.
Mandala Journal. Online submission deadline: February 15, 2012 Mandala Journal, an online student-run multicultural journal, announces the 2012 issue, Exodus. Words and works from emerging and established poets, writers, artists, and thinkers including Sonya Sanchez, Betye Saar, Kara Walker, LeAnne Howe, Lois Marie Harrod, and Charlayne Hunter-Gault. Please visit mandala.uga.edu for submission guidelines.
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