Humorous Tech Support Stories Sometimes, tech support requires more patience than what’s in the job description. For an anthology of humorous tech support stories, the editors seek quality non-fiction accounts of bizarre requests, inane questions, and pitiful pleas for help untangling technology. Entries should be between 500 and 1500 words. The anthology will be published in e-book format, and authors may appear anonymously if so desired. Preference will be given to stories involving face-to-face tech support rather than support given over the phone. To submit a story for consideration, email your entry as a MS Word, RTF, or Open Office document to usererror(at)nicomachus.net Replace (at) with @ in sending e-mail. Please include your name and contact information (phone number and preferred email address) as well as a brief description of your job responsibilities (e.g. network administration for a large health insurance provider; end-user support for a major research university) in the body of the email. Submission deadline January 31, 2012.
Ghost Town is the literary magazine of the MFA program at Cal State University San Bernardino. They’re looking for fearless and inventive fiction, poetry, and narrative nonfiction. They’re also interested in translations, letters, cryptic found writings, illustrations, and other oddments. They publish annually in the spring. Reading period is from September 1 to February 1. Submit online at: ghosttown.submishmash.com. Website: http://ghosttownlitmag.wordpress.com
LQQK MAGAZINE is a new science fiction magazine currently looking for new writers. We are interested in stories that speculate about the future of contemporary phenomena like social networking, mobile devices, filesharing, hacking, and online lifestyles. We are also interested in far-out, surrealist, or anarchic stories in general, with or without lulz. Full submission guidelines can be found at: www.lqqkzine.com/subm.html
CREATIVE NONFICTION is seeking essays by and about nurses for a new collection, Becoming a Nurse: Real Stories of Nurses, Their Lives and Their Patients. We are looking for writers who can write dramatically and vividly about this profession for a collection of essays, which will be published by Creative Nonfiction. Essays can be from 2,500-5,000 words but should be written in a narrative form, with scenes, description, vivid characters and a distinctive voice. Submissions must be postmarked by January 31, 2012. More information at: http://www.creativenonfiction.org/thejournal/submittocnf.htm#nurse
PALABRA invites Chicano & Latino writers to submit fresh, engaged work that stretches the boundaries of conventional literary form, content, and context. Small honorarium. Submission period: September 1 to April 30. Guidelines at: www.palabralitmag.com.
PMS poemmemoirstory seeks submissions during our new reading period: January 1–March 31. While PMS is a journal of exclusively women’s writing, the subject field is wide open. For guidelines, see: http://pms-journal.org/submission-guidelines.
SUBMITTED: WOMEN FINDING AND LEAVING EXTREME RELIGION is an anthology to be published by Seal Press in Spring, 2013. The anthology will chronicle the lives of women from a variety of restrictive religious backgrounds who chose a religious path only to eventually reject it or alter it in whole or in part. We are seeking contributions from women of all faiths, as well as all ages and backgrounds. The book explores, through story, the questions of how and why women choose to get involved in rigid religion, what keeps them invested, and then how and why they leave (and what they miss---or don't---once they're gone). Themes might include food, modesty, religious meetings, holidays, work, children, clothing, secrets, converting others, prayer, or marriage/sex. For more information and to submit your work go to www.submittedanthology.com
TAWDRY BAWDRY is accepting submissions of erotic poems and stories, sexy flash fiction, erotic imagery, personal experiences of 500 words or less, and essays on all aspects of sexuality. As usual, our tastes run toward the unexpected. Send us poems and stories that wouldn't fly elsewhere because there is just a little too much honesty in them (and we don't mean the kind of honesty that would get you arrested in real life). Take the time to read what we've published in the past to get a sense of what it is we are looking for: www.tawdrybawdry.com
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