If you have additional journals or calls for submissions that should be listed here, send me an e-mail at LaoWritersMN@Gmail.com.
In addition to standard calls for submission from the Kartika Review, Cha, Lantern Review, and the Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement, the Innsmouth Free Press and the Journal for Dracula Studies, be sure to check out some of these interesting calls that have been issued:
Open the City: Drunken Boat, alongside the Asian American Writers' Workshop, seek works in a variety of media (poems, artworks, essays, photography, translations, architectural blueprints, videos, web work, mixed media, documentary, theatrical production) that respond to the question of Asian and Middle Eastern-American populations in urban spaces. These can take a particular city as point of departure, can verge to cities around the world, engaging with the notion of how the forces of displacement and accretion intersect to create identity in a particular environment. We envision Chinatown, Little India, mosques in metropolitan areas, ethnic groceries, foreign film theaters, etc. all as possible sites for investigation. Deadline: October 1st. Make sure to select Asian-Americans on the City as your submission's genre.
The always reliable www.newpages.com has a number of interesting calls for submission posted including:
Red Fez Publications. Open submissions year-round, next issue deadline: Last day of the month. Red Fez publishes an online literature and arts magazine with new issues each month. They are open to submissions of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, short videos, audio, art, photography and comics. No simultaneous submissions, reprints considered. Response in four weeks or less. Submit online at www.redfez.net/submit
SUCKER LITERARY MAGAZINE is a platform for established and emerging, hugely intelligent writers who have the grit and talent to create compelling, authentic young adult literature that both adults and teens can enjoy. For submission guidelines please go to suckerliterarymagazine.wordpress.com/submission-guidelines/ DEADLINE is October 1, 2011
THIS Literary Magazine invites you to submit pieces for their inaugural themed issue: “Other.” They encourage you to take risks with your submission, whether that means tackling an underrepresented topic in a traditional way or inventing an entirely new method of storytelling. They seek submissions outside the mainstream. They seek submissions that challenge them with a unique perspective. They welcome the experimental and the form-challenging. They will consider written and visual work. Issue Publication: January/February 2012. Deadline: December 3, 2011. For more information visit our website: www.thiszine.org
Anthology of Trans and Genderqueer Poetry Open Call Deadline: November 30, 2011 They are creating an anthology of the best poems out there by trans and genderqueer writers and They want your work. If you identify as trans and/or genderqueer, They are talking to you! You do not need to send only poems about gender (although you may). Edited by TC Tolbert and Tim Peterson (Trace)—both trans-identified poets, this will be published by EOAGH Books in early 2012. They encourage submissions by people of color and people with varying educational backgrounds. For complete guidelines: www.transanthology.com
Adventum is a biannual digital & print magazine of outdoor adventure writing, photography and haiku. Adventum publishes creative nonfiction, essays, and memoir pieces that explore some aspect of personal experience in the outdoors. This includes, but is not limited to, human-powered adventure in extreme wilderness landscapes as well as urban. Any latitude and longitude is game, so long as it is your best original writing, takes readers beyond the mundane, and seeks to discover deeper meaning. Submit by November 15, 2011 to be considered for issue II. For more info, visit: www.adventummagazine.com/submit.html
Sliver of Stone. www.sliverofstone.com. New reading period ends December 15, 2011. They are a bi-annual, online literary magazine dedicated to the publication of work from both emerging and established poets, writers, and visual artists from all parts of the globe.
Lishanu - an interlingual haikai journal is an online periodical, presenting work across the haikai range - haiku and renku, haibun and haiga - with a significant difference: the journal is interlingual. This means that every item is published bilingually - in English and at least one other language. Submissions are read on a continuous basis. Please visit us at www.lishanu.com to enjoy the latest issue and read our submission guidelines.
Journal of Renga & Renku includes a variety of content that will interest Asian Studies scholars as well as teachers and students of English literature/poetry; we believe it will also be of interest to poets experimenting with the writing of collaborative linked verse in a number of languages around the world today, and to practitioners exploring aspects of renku and its za as an educational/social/therapeutic tool. For full details of our Call for Content, please go to http://tinyurl.com/jrr-cfc
Rhino’s diverse group of editors is looking for the very best in contemporary writing by local, national, and international writers. They seek work that is idiosyncratic, rigorous, lively, passionate, and engaging. They have no preferred style; our unwavering editorial principle is simply to publish the best poems, short-shorts (<1000 words), and translations. All submissions considered for their annual Editor's Prize. Electronic and traditional mail submissions accepted until October 1, 2011. See www.rhinopoetry.org for more information.
Heavy Feather Review inaugural issue. HFR is an independent, biannual electronic journal dedicated to publishing the finest in short fiction, poetry, short comics, creative nonfiction, original photography/art, or any hybrid thereof. The deadline for our inaugural issue is December 15, 2011. HFR is also actively looking for people willing to write reviews, essays/posts, and conduct interviews.www.heavyfeatherreview.com/
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