Anak Sastra seeks short stories (fiction or creative nonfiction) for its 6th issue due out in January 2012. Contributors and/or story themes should have some connection to Southeast Asia. For more information, please visit: www.anaksastra.com.
Still Point Arts Quarterly. Deadline: January 1 & April 1, 2012. Still Point Arts Quarterly seeks articles, essays, fiction, and poetry about art, the idea of art, the making of art, being an artist, creativity, inspiration, the artist's medium, etc. www.stillpointartgallery.com/quarterly.htm
Stone Voices. Deadline: December 1, 2011 & March 1, 2012. Stone Voices seeks articles, essays, fiction, and poetry that relate to its focus on art and spirituality. Submissions may be about particular artists, art genres, the idea of art, the making of art, being an artist, creativity, inspiration, etc. www.stonevoices.co
PostPoetry Magazine. Deadline: "February 30, 2012". PostPoetry Magazine is holding its 3rd call for submissions. The magazine seeks political and social critic poetry, essays, short-shorts, abstracts and experimental texts. www.PostPoetry-Magazine.com
The New Verse News covers the news with poems on issues large and small (especially those of a politically progressive bent) by writers from all over the world. The editors seek to post each day a genuinely poetic take on a very current and specific news story. See the website at www.newversenews.com for guidelines and for examples of the kinds of poems The New Verse News publishes.
Clockhouse Review. Deadline: January 1, 2012. Clockhouse Review, published by the Clockhouse Writers' Conference and alumni of the Goddard College MFA in Writing program, seeks submissions for its inaugural issue. All genres taught within Goddard's MFA in Writing program accepted: poetry, fiction, memoir, creative nonfiction, dramatic works for stage or screen, and literary comics/graphic narrative. We encourage submissions from both established and emerging writers. www.clockhousereview.com.
Ashland Creek Press is currently accepting submissions of novels, memoirs, short story collections, and essay collections on the themes of travel, the environment, ecology, and wildlife — above all, we’re looking for exceptional, well-written, engaging stories. www.ashlandcreekpress.com
Good luck!
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